POU for PC Windows 7 8 XP Free Download

Posted by t l
Pou is a virtual alien pet that can be cleaned and fully customized. The user can apply different types on lotions on POU, make him try out types of hats, glasses, make him consume food which in turn helps the pet grow. There's a lab in which you can experiment different customizations on the pet. When Pou grows, new tasks for user to accomplish are unlocked along with cute wallpapers that are customizable. The user can even use Pou to complete certain tasks in the form of games. Just like many other similar virtual Pets, Pou comes with the ability to talk and listen to the user. Talk with Pou and listen what he replies back to you. If your friends have this app installed on their smartphone or tablet, you can challenge their pet with your customized Pou. Sounds interesting isn't it? If yes then why not try it out? Use the below links to download and install Pou on your Android or IOS smartphone or tablet:

Download for Android.
Download for IOS.

POU for PC Windows 7 8 XP Free Download

To download and install POU for PC or Windows XP, 8 or 7 computer, please follow the below installation instructions as there's no official windows installer available to run this software on computer:

  1. Complete the download and installation of the top Android emulator bluestacks. Here's the link to start with.
  2. Now open Google search, and type Pou APK and hit the search button.
  3. Open any of the website that appears in the first page of the search result which claims to have the APK file and download the file and save it to your hard-drive. This is a very important step to install POU for PC or Windows 8, 7, or XP computer hence make sure that you complete this step.
  4. Click on the APK file and select open with bluestacks.
  5. Once you complete step 4, you'll be able top see installation instructions. Follow each of them till PO has been completely installed on your computer.
  6. Done.